Agnostic Agile
Autodesk Authorized Developer
The Hard Problem

   «A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly,
science into superstition, and art into pedantry.
Hence University education» George Bernard Shaw

   Development or degradation? or Dynamic systems information modeling technology 1.0

   Any business-model (and law – lex est quod notamus) you may turn topsy-turvy, by overestimating / underestimating uncertainty, risks...

   According to what criteria will the effectiveness of the model* be evaluated?
   The laws of nature cannot be abolished by order.
   When compared with the cumulative effectiveness of adaptive systems that have developed in a natural dynamic environment, it may turn out that the costs of unification exceed the costs of evolutionary development by orders of magnitude, and risks (for example, smoothing differentiation, degradation of diversity) lead to a loss of development and, as a result, stability.

    The exchange of tasks between adjacent departments and the development of the model* have the following common characteristic abstract cores:
      • Excessive, infertile, unpromising micromanagement;
      • Low convergence of the goals of the participants and the goals of the organization (On the contrary, the maximum convergence (e<10%) is the goal of motivation);
      • The phase transition from 2D conflicts to 3D development of these common intersections-polylines, in order to transform their scattering energy into creation, from the culture of “subtract and divide” to “add and multiply”, from “guilty” to “co-creators”;
      • Delegation to a non-hierarchical, highly qualified layer, where there is less information, it is more reliable, for making effective, sustainable decisions and their implementation at all stages of development at a high level of quality.
   Thus, following the experience of Japanese technologies, linear hierarchical power is only strengthened.

   That's right. Reductionism (Occam's Blade), like Axe porridge, only with resource-intensive additives can, in the limit, approach the Michelangelo hands. Nevertheless, easily, according to Lagrange, it slides down to the scissors for castration.
   Excessive simplification and complication lead to gaps - cognitive, cash, between words, thoughts and deeds...
   The "dispute” with banks is – nonsense. Their appetites are formed by regulations and precedents; the volume of tender resources strongly correlates with their, tender resources, qualifications and bureaucracy.
   Based on the "principle of darkness”, the area of effective use (resources, tools) is limited by their specialization.
   It is possible to estimate, with sufficient probability, the required number of entities on another layer only by trusting the delegation of the evaluation process, as such, to the investigated layer.
   The reductionist approach is good only up to a certain limit, including the level of systems complexity.
   According to the Conant - Ashby theorem: Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system.
   With the social nature of the model and the rejection of Sacred violence only the Ethical regulator is acceptable...
   Solving individual tasks with standard globalist approaches inevitably distorts the model, which, in turn, deprives the regulator of grounds for claims to good governance.
   It is not possible to disassemble a complex adaptive system into bricks due to its fundamental foundations.
   “Diversity, or heterogeneity, as it is officially called, is very important for complex systems, because the benefits it generates outweigh the costs. Sufficient heterogeneity stabilizes the systems and makes them more resistant to external influences. It increases their flexibility and promotes innovation. Diversity allows systems to survive and evolve in a tough environment.“
   The Law of Requisite Variety.
   Everything should be simplified as long as possible, but no more. Fragmentation of knowledge and approaches, tunnel vision lead to cognitive dissonances. "Thinking in the categories of complex systems is an antidote to excessive specialization.”
   Interdisciplinary approach is an advantage.
   Truth is a philosophical concept… Martin Heidegger believes – Dasein – here and now being.
   The truth (performance evaluation criteria), again, has its own at all layers and milestones. In general, effective, sustainable solutions and their implementation at all stages of development at a high level of quality.

   The apparent simplicity of the models* misleads about the ease of control and the linearity of reactions to impacts.
   Conflicts, as a rule, are used to assert (own) powers of authority, meanwhile, their (competent) analysis makes it possible to increase the model* knowledge, and, consequently, the quality of management, goal-attainment.
   In the era of flexible planning and research analytics synergistic effect is given by chaordic (predetermined cyclic) processes based on agile techniques with elements of Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Lean, Kanban, Six Sigma,..., improvement and innovation at the chaos and order intersection,...
   With the shift of the equilibrium of the reversible reaction of the "Enterprise" towards the Russian methodologies of collaboration based on fair competition, innovative information technologies and involvement in cultural collaboration (CC), conditions are formed for the creation and growth of the advantages of the managed system and the reduction of its entropy. Otherwise, the opposite is true. American technologies for manipulating the collective unconscious (divide et impera и т.д.) are not ethical, not aesthetic and hopelessly outdated compared to Russian technologies for involving stakeholders in the joint synthesis of paradoxical inventions based on engineering experience.

   «A chemistry is performed so that a chemical reaction occurs and generates a signal from the chemical interaction with the sample, which is translated into a result, which is then reviewed by certified laboratory personnel.»
   Excessive simplification and complication lead to gaps - cognitive, cash,...
   The absence of a phenomenon in the field of visibility does not deny its existence. At arm's length there is the unknowable.
   Common sense or divide et impera?

   In the era of flexible planning and research analytics, the most important trends will be:
      • making any decisions based on scientific facts;
      • great concern for the psychological comfort of people;
   And the synergistic effect is given by:
      • dynamic (real-time) responsibility tensor;
      • chaordic (predefined cyclic) processes based on agile techniques with elements of Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Lean, Kanban, Six Sigma,..., improvement and innovation at the intersection of chaos and order,...
      • common sense and mathematical programming;
      • effective lead generation by investing in the development of own technologies;

   Neglect of metacognitive distortions, and, as a consequence, demotivation of passionate employees are extremely undesirable for business owners within their, passionate employees, influence on business marginality by creating added value (intellectual creative work, innovation). It is necessary to recognize this undesirable effect of the policy of shortsighted material motivation (healthy alternatives: from the Typological model of V.I.Gerchikov, to complex adaptive self-organizing teams, with an individual approach and trusted delegation).
   Excessive rotation and divergence of personnel, among other losses, leads to a decrease in the level of security policy, especially in the framework of reengineering based on job-applicant employee tourism.

   The choice of methods goes back to the methodology, which, in turn, to the system of values, the culture of teamwork, the system of motivation (SM). The spectrum is wide: from “my hut is on the edge – I don't know anything” to “one for all and all for one”.
   SM – encouraging staff to achieve their goals only through achieving the goals of the Enterprise.
   Consolidation of responsibility manifests itself when the threshold level of maturity of participants in the production processes is reached and is a necessary condition for sustainable development.

   Ergo - in view of the above and, in fact, for the sustainable development of the implemented processes, simplification and reduction of labor costs associated with routine work, formation of conditions for the creation and growth of the advantages of the "Company", and reduction of its entropy (Excessively confusing inconsistencies), we consider a scientific interdisciplinary approach to be the only healthy alternative to scientifically-liked impotence...

   We sincerely hope and expect that the vision of the future of sustainable development is formed, including on the basis of knowledge, and not just desires.

   *model, system of control, dynamic systems information modeling technology ordered by the structuring of interdependencies.


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   May 2018 - November 2020

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